Fmbn new board

You're referring to the new board of the Football Manager series!

The latest version of Football Manager is Football Manager 2022 (FM22), which was released on November 9, 2021. The game features a new board that has undergone significant changes compared to previous versions.

Here are some key features of the new board in FM22:

  1. Improved Boardroom Dynamics: The board is now more interactive, with more realistic and varied responses to your decisions. You'll need to navigate complex relationships between the board, players, and staff to achieve success.
  2. New Boardroom Meetings: The boardroom meeting system has been revamped, allowing you to discuss and vote on key decisions, such as transfers, tactics, and team selection.
  3. Increased Influence: Your board's influence on the team has been increased, with more emphasis on their opinions and expectations. You'll need to manage their expectations to keep them happy and avoid conflicts.
  4. New Boardroom Challenges: The board will present you with new challenges and objectives, such as improving the team's financial situation or increasing fan satisfaction.
  5. Enhanced Boardroom Atmosphere: The boardroom atmosphere has been improved, with more realistic and immersive interactions. You'll feel like you're really sitting in the boardroom, discussing the future of your team.

Overall, the new board in FM22 adds a new layer of realism and complexity to the game, making it more challenging and engaging for players.