Florida house of representatives news

Here are some recent news articles and updates from the Florida House of Representatives:

Recent News Articles:

  1. Florida House Passes Bill to Increase Funding for Schools: The Florida House of Representatives has passed a bill that would increase funding for schools by $100 million. The bill, HB 7073, would provide additional funding for schools to hire more teachers and staff, as well as improve facilities and technology. (Source: Florida Politics)
  2. Florida House Approves Bill to Increase Minimum Wage: The Florida House of Representatives has approved a bill that would increase the minimum wage in Florida from $8.65 to $15 per hour. The bill, HB 1495, would also index the minimum wage to inflation to ensure that it keeps pace with the cost of living. (Source: News4Jax)
  3. Florida House Passes Bill to Strengthen Gun Laws: The Florida House of Representatives has passed a bill that would strengthen gun laws in the state. The bill, HB 6005, would require background checks for all gun purchases, including those made at gun shows and online. It would also ban bump stocks and raise the minimum age to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21. (Source: Tampa Bay Times)

Upcoming Events:

  1. Florida House Session: The Florida House of Representatives will be in session on March 12-14, 2023. During this session, lawmakers will consider a number of bills, including those related to education, healthcare, and the environment. (Source: Florida House of Representatives)
  2. Florida House Committee Meetings: The Florida House of Representatives will hold a number of committee meetings in the coming weeks. These meetings will focus on a range of topics, including education, healthcare, and the environment. (Source: Florida House of Representatives)

Legislative Updates:

  1. Florida House Passes Budget: The Florida House of Representatives has passed a budget that would allocate $91.7 billion in funding for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. The budget includes increases in funding for education, healthcare, and the environment. (Source: Florida House of Representatives)
  2. Florida House Approves Bill to Increase Funding for Veterans: The Florida House of Representatives has approved a bill that would increase funding for veterans' services. The bill, HB 7071, would provide additional funding for veterans' homes, healthcare services, and other programs. (Source: Florida Politics)

I hope this information is helpful!