Floods in japan leave 134 dead 88 missing cabinet secretary #comments

Here are some possible comments on the news article about the floods in Japan:

Comment 1 So devastating. My heart goes out to the families affected by this disaster. Japan is known for its resilience, but this is a tough one to recover from.

Comment 2 Unbelievable. The death toll is rising by the hour. I hope the government can provide adequate support to those affected.

Comment 3 This is a wake-up call for Japan to invest in flood control measures. We can't keep relying on luck to avoid these disasters.

Comment 4 My thoughts are with the people of Japan. This is a terrible tragedy. I hope the missing persons are found soon.

Comment 5 The Japanese government needs to take responsibility for this disaster. They knew the risks and didn't do enough to prevent it.

Comment 6 I'm so sad to hear about this. Japan is such a beautiful country, and this is a huge setback. I hope the country can come together to rebuild and recover.

Comment 7 This is a disaster of epic proportions. I hope the international community can provide aid and support to Japan during this difficult time.

Comment 8 The Cabinet Secretary needs to take immediate action to address the crisis. This is a national emergency, and the government needs to respond accordingly.

Comment 9 I'm in shock. 134 dead and 88 missing? This is a nightmare. I hope the Japanese people can find some sense of peace and closure soon.

Comment 10 This is a reminder that natural disasters can strike at any time. We need to be prepared and take action to prevent these tragedies from happening in the first place.