Flick coutinho is trying too hard making wrong decisions

It sounds like you're a Liverpool fan and you're a bit frustrated with Fabinho's recent performances.

Fabinho has been a key player for Liverpool, providing defensive solidity and attacking flair from midfield. However, like any player, he's not immune to having off days or making mistakes.

It's possible that Fabinho is trying too hard to make an impact, which can sometimes lead to him making rash decisions or taking unnecessary risks on the pitch. This can result in mistakes, such as losing possession or committing fouls.

As a fan, it's natural to feel frustrated when your team's players are making mistakes. But it's important to remember that Fabinho is a top-class player who has consistently performed at a high level for Liverpool.

Perhaps the solution is for Fabinho to focus on his strengths and play to his natural game, rather than trying to force things and make things happen. With his defensive skills and vision, he's capable of controlling the tempo of the game and creating chances for his teammates.

What do you think, mate? Do you think Fabinho needs to relax and play to his strengths, or is there something else going on that's causing his recent struggles?