Flavor and phyno new song

You're looking for the latest song from Flavor N' Phyno!

As of my knowledge cutoff, Flavor N' Phyno have not released a new song together recently. However, I can suggest some of their popular collaborations in the past:

  1. "Double Double" (2014) - This song was a massive hit and showcased their chemistry on the mic.
  2. "Ashawo" (2015) - Another popular collaboration that blended their unique styles.
  3. "Fada Fada" (2016) - This song was a fan favorite and featured their signature rap and singing styles.

If you're looking for new music from Flavor or Phyno, I can suggest some of their recent solo releases:

Keep in mind that the music industry is constantly evolving, and new songs are being released regularly. I recommend checking out their official social media channels or music streaming platforms for the latest updates!