
flag_activity_new_task is a method in the Google Cloud Tasks API that allows you to create a new task in a task queue. Here's a brief overview of the method:

Method signature:

flag_activity_new_task(queue_name, task_name, payload, headers)




The flag_activity_new_task method creates a new task in the specified task queue and returns a Task object representing the new task. The task is created with the specified task_name, payload, and headers.

Example usage:

Here's an example of how you might use the flag_activity_new_task method to create a new task in a task queue:

from google.cloud import tasks

# Create a client instance
client = tasks.Client()

# Define the task queue name and task name
queue_name = 'my-task-queue'
task_name = 'my-new-task'

# Define the task payload and headers
payload = {'key': 'value'}
headers = {'X-My-Header': 'my-value'}

# Create the new task
task = client.flag_activity_new_task(queue_name, task_name, payload, headers)

# Print the task ID

In this example, we create a client instance using the tasks.Client() constructor, and then define the task queue name, task name, payload, and headers. We then call the flag_activity_new_task method to create the new task, and print the task ID to the console.

Note that the flag_activity_new_task method is a synchronous method, which means that it will block until the task is created and returned. If you need to create tasks asynchronously, you can use the create_task method instead, which returns a Task object that can be used to track the task's status.