Fkf repeat elections mwendwa set to retain seat unopposed

It seems like you're referring to a news article or update about the Kenyan politician, Mwendwa, who is set to retain his seat unopposed in the repeat elections.

For those who may not be familiar, Mwendwa is a Kenyan politician who has been serving as the Member of County Assembly (MCA) for a particular ward in the country. The repeat elections are likely a result of a previous election that was nullified or marred by irregularities, and the electoral body has decided to hold a new election to ensure the integrity of the process.

In this case, it appears that Mwendwa has emerged as the sole candidate or has secured the necessary support to retain his seat unopposed, meaning he will not face any opposition in the upcoming election. This can be a significant advantage for him, as he will not have to compete with other candidates for votes.

It's worth noting that the outcome of the election may still be subject to verification and validation by the relevant authorities, and the results may be challenged by other parties or individuals if they feel that the process was not fair or transparent.

Would you like to know more about Mwendwa's background, his political affiliations, or the context surrounding the repeat elections?