Fish rain in thailand fake news

The infamous "fish rain" in Thailand!

Yes, it's true that in 2013, a bizarre phenomenon occurred in the province of Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, where fish fell from the sky. The event was widely reported in local and international media, and it sparked a lot of curiosity and debate.

According to reports, thousands of fish, including catfish, tilapia, and mullet, fell from the sky over a period of several hours. The fish were said to have fallen from a height of around 100-200 meters (330-660 feet), and some were even reported to have fallen on people's heads.

The cause of the "fish rain" was initially attributed to a severe thunderstorm that had passed through the area, which was believed to have lifted fish from a nearby lake or river and carried them away. However, experts later suggested that the fish may have been swept up by strong winds and then dropped back to the ground as the storm passed.

Despite the unusual nature of the event, there is no evidence to suggest that it was anything other than a natural phenomenon. The Thai authorities and local residents were quick to dismiss claims of "fish rain" being a sign of supernatural or paranormal activity.

So, to answer your question, the "fish rain" in Thailand was not fake news, but rather a rare and unusual weather event that was widely reported and documented.