Fish rain in thailand bbc news

I think you may be referring to a rather unusual and fascinating news story!

On June 29, 2019, the BBC News reported on a bizarre phenomenon that occurred in Thailand, where fish fell from the sky in the province of Nakhon Ratchasima. Yes, you read that right - fish rain!

According to eyewitnesses, thousands of small fish, including mullet and tilapia, began falling from the sky around 9:30 am local time. The fish were said to have been falling from a height of around 100 meters (330 feet) and were scattered across a wide area, covering several kilometers.

The cause of the "fish rain" was attributed to a severe thunderstorm that had passed through the area the previous day, which had caused a tornado-like phenomenon known as a "fish-blow" or "fish-fall." This rare weather event occurs when a tornado forms over a body of water, such as a lake or ocean, and then lifts fish into the air, carrying them away from the water.

The fish that fell from the sky were said to be still alive and were collected by local residents, who were amazed by the unusual occurrence. The event was widely reported in Thai media and even made international headlines, with many people around the world expressing amazement and curiosity about the phenomenon.

So, there you have it - a truly bizarre and fascinating news story from Thailand!