First sunday sermon of the new year

Here's a sample first Sunday sermon of the new year:

Title: "A Fresh Start: Embracing the Possibilities of a New Year"

Text: Psalm 90:12-17, Ephesians 4:22-24


As we gather here today, many of us are reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the new one. We're thinking about our goals, our resolutions, and our hopes for the future. But as we do, I want to ask you a question: What does it mean to start anew? Is it just about making a fresh start, or is it about something more profound?

The Psalmist's Reflection:

In Psalm 90, the psalmist reflects on the brevity of human life and the fleeting nature of our accomplishments. He writes, "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom" (v. 12). The psalmist is acknowledging that our time on this earth is short, and that we should use it wisely. He's not just talking about making a to-do list or checking off boxes; he's talking about living with intention and purpose.

The Power of Forgiveness:

In Ephesians 4, Paul writes about the importance of forgiveness. He says, "Put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness" (vv. 22-24). Paul is talking about the power of forgiveness to transform our lives. When we let go of our past mistakes and failures, we can start anew, free from the weight of guilt and shame.

A Fresh Start:

So what does it mean to start anew? It's not just about making a fresh start; it's about embracing the possibilities of a new year. It's about recognizing that we have been given a second chance, a chance to start again, to try again, to do better. It's about acknowledging that we are not defined by our past mistakes, but by our willingness to learn and grow.

The Invitation:

As we begin this new year, I want to invite you to join me in embracing the possibilities of a new year. Let's not just make a list of resolutions; let's make a commitment to live with intention and purpose. Let's not just forgive ourselves; let's forgive others and ask for forgiveness when we need it. Let's not just start anew; let's start again, with a heart of wisdom, a spirit of renewal, and a commitment to living like Christ.


As we close this sermon, I want to leave you with a question: What does it mean to start anew? Is it just about making a fresh start, or is it about something more profound? I believe it's about embracing the possibilities of a new year, and living with intention and purpose. Let's make this year count, not just by checking off boxes, but by living like Christ, and making a difference in the world around us.