Firs new tax policy

Here's a potential new tax policy:

Policy Name: "Fair Share Tax Reform"

Objective: To create a more equitable and efficient tax system that promotes economic growth, reduces income inequality, and simplifies tax compliance for individuals and businesses.

Key Components:

  1. Progressive Income Tax Rate Structure:
    • Create a new top marginal tax rate of 35% for individuals earning above $250,000 per year.
    • Reduce the current top marginal tax rate of 37% to 32% for individuals earning between $100,000 and $250,000 per year.
    • Maintain the current 24% top marginal tax rate for individuals earning below $100,000 per year.
  2. Corporate Tax Rate Reduction:
    • Reduce the current corporate tax rate of 21% to 18%.
    • Implement a minimum tax rate of 10% for corporations with annual profits above $1 million.
  3. Estate Tax Reform:
    • Repeal the current estate tax exemption of $11.4 million per individual and replace it with a more progressive system.
    • Implement a 10% estate tax rate for estates valued between $5 million and $10 million.
    • Implement a 15% estate tax rate for estates valued above $10 million.
  4. Capital Gains Tax Reform:
    • Reduce the current long-term capital gains tax rate from 20% to 15% for individuals earning below $250,000 per year.
    • Maintain the current 20% long-term capital gains tax rate for individuals earning above $250,000 per year.
  5. Simplification of Tax Filing:
    • Implement a simplified tax filing system for individuals and small businesses.
    • Reduce the number of tax forms and schedules from 12 to 5.
    • Provide online tax filing options and real-time tax guidance.
  6. Tax Credits and Incentives:
    • Expand the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) to benefit more low- and moderate-income workers.
    • Increase the Child Tax Credit from $2,000 to $3,000 per child.
    • Implement a new tax credit for small businesses that invest in research and development.
  7. Tax Enforcement and Compliance:
    • Increase funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to improve tax enforcement and compliance.
    • Implement a new tax compliance program to help small businesses and individuals with tax obligations.

Implementation Timeline:

Budget Impact:

Total estimated revenue gain: $245 billion per year.


The "Fair Share Tax Reform" policy aims to create a more equitable and efficient tax system that promotes economic growth, reduces income inequality, and simplifies tax compliance for individuals and businesses. The policy's key components include a progressive income tax rate structure, corporate tax rate reduction, estate tax reform, capital gains tax reform, simplification of tax filing, tax credits and incentives, and tax enforcement and compliance measures. The policy is expected to generate significant revenue gains, which can be used to fund important public programs and services.