Fireworks interview with wadda tvc news nlc chairman

Here's a possible interview between Wadda TVC News and the NLC Chairman on the topic of fireworks:

Wadda TVC News: Good evening, I'm joined tonight by the Chairman of the Nigeria Labour Congress, Ayuba Wabba. Chairman, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today.

Ayuba Wabba: Thank you for having me. It's a pleasure to be here.

Wadda TVC News: Tonight, we're discussing the recent ban on fireworks in Nigeria. Chairman, the NLC has been vocal about this issue. Can you tell us why the union is opposed to the ban?

Ayuba Wabba: Yes, of course. The NLC is opposed to the ban on fireworks because we believe it's a draconian measure that will have far-reaching negative consequences on the economy and the livelihoods of many Nigerians. Fireworks are a significant part of our cultural heritage and are used to celebrate important events like weddings, festivals, and national holidays.

Wadda TVC News: But some argue that fireworks are a major source of noise pollution and can cause harm to people's health. How do you respond to that?

Ayuba Wabba: While it's true that fireworks can be noisy, we believe that with proper regulation and enforcement, the negative effects can be minimized. In fact, many countries around the world allow fireworks to be used during celebrations, and they have measures in place to ensure public safety. We're not saying that fireworks should be used recklessly or without proper precautions. What we're saying is that the ban is too broad and doesn't take into account the cultural and economic significance of fireworks to many Nigerians.

Wadda TVC News: Some have also raised concerns about the impact of fireworks on the environment. How do you respond to those concerns?

Ayuba Wabba: Again, we agree that fireworks can have environmental impacts, such as air pollution and litter. However, we believe that these impacts can be mitigated through proper waste management and environmental regulations. In fact, many fireworks manufacturers are now producing eco-friendly fireworks that are designed to minimize environmental harm.

Wadda TVC News: Chairman, what do you think is the way forward on this issue? Should the ban be lifted or modified in some way?

Ayuba Wabba: We believe that the ban should be lifted or modified to allow for the responsible use of fireworks in Nigeria. We're proposing that the government establish clear guidelines and regulations for the use of fireworks, including measures to ensure public safety and environmental protection. We're also calling on the government to engage with stakeholders, including the NLC, to find a solution that balances the cultural and economic significance of fireworks with the need to protect public health and the environment.

Wadda TVC News: Chairman, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us tonight.

Ayuba Wabba: Thank you for having me.