Fire incidents causing more harm than boko haram survelliant boss jumade

I think there may be some confusion here. It seems like you're referring to a specific individual, Jumade, who is a surveillance boss, and you're making a comparison between fire incidents and Boko Haram, a terrorist group.

To clarify, Boko Haram is a militant Islamist group that has been responsible for numerous attacks and human rights abuses in Nigeria and the surrounding region. Fire incidents, on the other hand, refer to unplanned fires that can occur in various settings, such as homes, buildings, or forests.

It's important to note that both fire incidents and Boko Haram attacks can cause harm and loss of life. However, they are two distinct phenomena with different causes and consequences.

If you could provide more context or clarify what you mean by "surveillance boss Jumade" and how they relate to fire incidents and Boko Haram, I'd be happy to help you better understand the issue.