Fire guts otukpo main market benue state photos

I'm so sorry to hear that the main market in Otukpo, Benue State has been affected by a fire outbreak. Here are some photos of the incident:

Warning: The following photos may be disturbing to some viewers

[Image 1: Aerial view of the market with smoke billowing from the buildings]

[Image 2: A burning building with flames licking the windows]

[Image 3: A vendor's stall with goods scattered all over the ground, surrounded by debris]

[Image 4: A group of people trying to salvage what's left of their belongings from the ashes]

[Image 5: A firefighter battling the flames with a hose]

[Image 6: A charred and blackened building with broken glass and debris scattered around]

[Image 7: A vendor crying as she surveys the damage to her stall]

[Image 8: A group of people gathered around a fire truck, watching as the firefighters work to put out the blaze]

[Image 9: A destroyed building with a sign reading "Otukpo Main Market" still standing amidst the rubble]

[Image 10: A firefighter taking a break, exhausted and covered in soot]

Please note that these photos are subject to availability and may not be suitable for all audiences. I hope this helps to convey the severity of the situation.