Find new words

I'd be happy to help you find some new words. Here are a few options:

Option 1: Random Word

I'll generate a random word for you. Here it is:

Kintsugi (noun) - a Japanese term that refers to the art of repairing broken pottery with gold or silver lacquer, highlighting the brokenness rather than disguising it.

Option 2: Word Association

I'll give you a word, and you respond with a word that's associated with it. Then, I'll give you a new word associated with your response, and so on.

Here's the starting word:


Your turn!

Option 3: Themed Words

I'll give you a theme, and you can ask me for words related to that theme.

Here's the theme:


You can ask me for words like "planet", "star", "rocket", etc.

Which option would you like to choose?