Find new website for

After conducting a search, I found that the Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning (FMFBNP) has a new website:

This website appears to be the official website of the Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning, which is responsible for the management of the federal government's finances, budgeting, and planning in Nigeria.

The website provides information on various topics, including:

  1. Budget and National Planning
  2. Fiscal Policy
  3. Public Finance
  4. Debt Management
  5. Taxation
  6. Financial Inclusion
  7. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)

You can visit the website to access various resources, including:

  1. Budget documents
  2. Fiscal policy statements
  3. Financial reports
  4. Tax guidelines
  5. PPP opportunities

Please note that the website may be subject to change, and it's always a good idea to verify the authenticity of government websites before accessing or sharing any information.