Find new music on soundcloud

SoundCloud is a treasure trove of new and emerging music! Here are some ways to discover new music on SoundCloud:

  1. Explore Genres: SoundCloud has a vast collection of genres, from electronic to hip-hop, indie to classical. Browse through the genres that interest you the most, and you'll likely stumble upon new artists and tracks.
  2. Discover Weekly/Discover Monthly: SoundCloud's algorithm-curated playlists, Discover Weekly and Discover Monthly, offer a personalized selection of new music based on your listening habits.
  3. New & Hot: This playlist features the most popular and trending tracks on SoundCloud, updated daily. You can also filter by genre or mood to find music that suits your taste.
  4. SoundCloud Premier: This program helps emerging artists get their music heard by a wider audience. You can find new music from up-and-coming artists on the SoundCloud Premier page.
  5. SoundCloud Groups: Join groups related to your favorite genres or artists. These groups often feature new music, discussions, and collaborations.
  6. Artist Playlists: Many artists create playlists featuring their own music, as well as tracks from other artists they admire. These playlists can be a great way to discover new music.
  7. SoundCloud's "On the Rise": This playlist highlights up-and-coming artists and tracks that are gaining popularity on the platform.
  8. Use Hashtags: Search for hashtags related to your favorite genres or artists. You can also use hashtags like #newmusic, #indiemusic, or #electronicmusic to discover new tracks.
  9. SoundCloud's "Fresh Pressed": This playlist features new music from emerging artists, often with a focus on underground or niche genres.
  10. Follow Other Users: Follow music bloggers, influencers, or other users who share your musical tastes. They often share new music and discoveries on their profiles.
  11. SoundCloud's "New Music Friday": This playlist features new releases from popular and emerging artists, updated every Friday.
  12. Use SoundCloud's Search Function: Use specific keywords, like "new music" or "upcoming artists," to find relevant tracks and artists.

By exploring these options, you'll increase your chances of discovering new music on SoundCloud. Happy listening!