Find new indian friends online

A great way to connect with like-minded individuals! Here are some online platforms and communities where you can find new Indian friends:

  1. Facebook Groups:
    • Indian Expats and Friends (over 1.5 million members)
    • Indian Friends and Community (over 1 million members)
    • Desi Connect (over 500,000 members)
  2. Reddit:
    • r/IndianExpats: A community for Indian expats and friends to connect and share experiences.
    • r/Desi: A subreddit for all things Indian, including culture, food, and more.
  3. Discord Servers:
    • Indian Expats and Friends (over 10,000 members)
    • Desi Connect (over 5,000 members)
  4. Online Forums:
    • India Forums: A popular online forum for Indians and expats to discuss various topics.
    • DesiTalk: A forum for Indians to connect and discuss various topics.
  5. Apps:
    • Bumble BFF: A feature on the Bumble app that allows you to swipe for platonic friendships.
    • Hey! Vina: A social app that connects women and non-binary individuals for friendships and networking.
    • Search for Indian-themed meetups in your area, such as language exchange, cultural events, or sports teams.
  7. Online Language Exchange:
    • italki: A platform that connects language learners with native speakers for language exchange and practice.
    • Conversation Exchange: A website that allows you to find language exchange partners and practice your language skills.
  8. Indian Cultural Organizations:
    • Look for local Indian cultural organizations, temples, or community centers in your area, which often host events and activities that can help you connect with other Indians.
  9. Online Communities:
    • Indian Reddit communities, such as r/IndianFood, r/IndianMusic, or r/IndianMovies, can be a great way to connect with others who share similar interests.
    • Join online groups focused on specific interests, such as Indian classical music, Bollywood, or cricket.

Remember to always prioritize your safety and privacy when connecting with new people online. Be cautious when sharing personal information and meet in public places if you decide to meet up with someone in person.