Find friends in new york

Finding friends in New York can be a bit challenging, but there are many ways to meet new people and make connections. Here are some ideas:

  1. Join a club or group that aligns with your interests: New York has a wide range of clubs, groups, and organizations that cater to various interests. You can find groups for hiking, book clubs, sports teams, language exchange, and more. Websites like and Facebook Groups can help you find groups that match your interests.
  2. Attend events and gatherings: New York is always buzzing with events, from concerts and festivals to networking mixers and volunteer opportunities. Check out websites like Eventbrite, Lanyrd, and to find events that interest you.
  3. Take a class or workshop: Enroll in a cooking class, language course, art class, or any other activity that interests you. Not only will you learn something new, but you'll also meet like-minded people.
  4. Volunteer: Volunteering is a great way to meet new people while doing something good for your community. Research organizations and causes that align with your values and interests.
  5. Use social media: Join Facebook groups and online forums for people with shared interests. You can also use apps like Bumble BFF, Hey! Vina, and Meetup to connect with new people in your area.
  6. Network: Attend networking events, conferences, and industry gatherings. You can also connect with people on LinkedIn and reach out to them for coffee or lunch.
  7. Join a gym or fitness studio: Joining a gym or fitness studio is a great way to meet new people who share your interest in fitness.
  8. Host your own gathering: Invite people over for a potluck dinner, game night, or movie night. This can be a great way to connect with people in a relaxed setting.
  9. Use online platforms: Websites like, Bumble BFF, and Hey! Vina can help you connect with people in your area who share your interests.
  10. Be open and friendly: Smile, introduce yourself, and be approachable. Show genuine interest in others and be willing to listen to their stories.

Some popular spots to meet new people in New York include:

Remember, making friends takes time and effort. Be patient, persistent, and open-minded, and you'll increase your chances of finding friends in New York.