Financial times us buhari news

I'm assuming you're looking for news articles from The Financial Times (FT) about Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari. Here are a few recent articles:

  1. "Nigeria's Buhari seeks to boost economy with infrastructure spending" (February 2023)

In this article, the FT reports that President Buhari has announced plans to increase infrastructure spending to boost Nigeria's economy, which has been struggling with high inflation and a decline in oil revenues.

  1. "Nigeria's Buhari faces fresh challenges as election approaches" (January 2023)

This article discusses the challenges facing President Buhari as he prepares to seek re-election in Nigeria's 2023 presidential election. The FT notes that Buhari's approval ratings have been declining, and he faces opposition from several candidates.

  1. "Nigeria's Buhari signs new law to boost foreign investment" (December 2022)

In this article, the FT reports that President Buhari has signed a new law aimed at boosting foreign investment in Nigeria. The law is designed to simplify the process of setting up businesses in the country and to provide greater protection for investors.

  1. "Nigeria's Buhari faces pressure to tackle corruption" (November 2022)

This article discusses the pressure on President Buhari to tackle corruption in Nigeria, which has been a major issue during his presidency. The FT notes that Buhari has made some progress in combating corruption, but more needs to be done to address the problem.

  1. "Nigeria's Buhari seeks to diversify economy away from oil" (October 2022)

In this article, the FT reports that President Buhari is seeking to diversify Nigeria's economy away from its reliance on oil exports. The government has announced plans to invest in agriculture, manufacturing, and other sectors to reduce the country's dependence on oil.

I hope these articles are helpful!