Financial times pensions news

Here are some recent news articles from The Financial Times related to pensions:

  1. UK pension schemes face £100bn deficit: A report by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) estimates that UK pension schemes have a combined deficit of £100 billion, with many schemes struggling to meet their funding targets. (February 2023)
  2. Pension freedoms 'have not led to increased saving': Research by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) suggests that the pension freedoms introduced in 2015 have not led to an increase in saving among older workers, despite expectations that they would. (January 2023)
  3. Pension schemes face 'perfect storm' of challenges: A report by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) warns that pension schemes are facing a "perfect storm" of challenges, including low interest rates, high inflation, and increased longevity. (December 2022)
  4. UK pension funds invest in private equity: A report by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) reveals that UK pension funds are increasingly investing in private equity, with many schemes seeking to diversify their portfolios and generate higher returns. (November 2022)
  5. Pension scheme deficits widen as inflation rises: A report by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) estimates that pension scheme deficits have widened by £20 billion in the past year, as inflation rises and interest rates remain low. (October 2022)
  6. Pension freedoms 'have led to increased income inequality': Research by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) suggests that the pension freedoms introduced in 2015 have led to increased income inequality, as higher-income individuals are more likely to take advantage of the freedoms. (September 2022)
  7. UK pension schemes face 'significant' risks from climate change: A report by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) warns that UK pension schemes face "significant" risks from climate change, including potential losses from investments in fossil fuels and increased costs from natural disasters. (August 2022)
  8. Pension scheme deficits 'could be reduced by £10bn' with better investment returns: A report by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) estimates that pension scheme deficits could be reduced by £10 billion if schemes achieve better investment returns, such as those seen in the past decade. (July 2022)
  9. UK pension funds 'must adapt to changing investment landscape': A report by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) warns that UK pension funds must adapt to a changing investment landscape, including the rise of sustainable investing and the impact of climate change on investment returns. (June 2022)
  10. Pension scheme deficits 'could widen by £30bn' due to inflation: A report by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) estimates that pension scheme deficits could widen by £30 billion due to inflation, as the cost of living rises and interest rates remain low. (May 2022)

These articles provide insights into the current state of the UK pension system, including the challenges faced by pension schemes, the impact of pension freedoms, and the need for schemes to adapt to a changing investment landscape.