Financial times africa looks for something new out of trump

It seems like Financial Times Africa is looking for something new and interesting related to Donald Trump. Here are a few potential angles:

  1. Trump's African business ventures: Despite his controversial statements about Africa, Trump has business interests on the continent. Financial Times Africa could investigate the current state of his African ventures, such as the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Cape Town, South Africa.
  2. Trump's impact on US-Africa relations: As the US president, Trump's policies and rhetoric have had significant implications for US-Africa relations. Financial Times Africa could analyze the effects of his administration's policies on trade, security, and development in Africa.
  3. Trump's African connections: Trump has had several high-profile interactions with African leaders, including a meeting with Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari at the White House. Financial Times Africa could explore the nature of these relationships and what they might mean for Africa's global influence.
  4. Trump's environmental policies and Africa: Trump's administration has been criticized for its rollbacks on environmental regulations and its withdrawal from international agreements like the Paris Climate Accord. Financial Times Africa could examine the implications of these policies for Africa, which is particularly vulnerable to climate change.
  5. Trump's legacy in Africa: As Trump's presidency comes to a close, Financial Times Africa could reflect on his legacy in Africa, including both the positive and negative impacts of his policies and rhetoric on the continent.

These are just a few potential angles to explore. Do any of these resonate with you, or would you like me to brainstorm more ideas?