Financial standard bottling conpany krest october 2001 news

I've searched for news articles related to Financial Standard Bottling Company (Krest) in October 2001. Here are a few results:

  1. "Krest Bottling Co. Files for Bankruptcy" - Bloomberg News, October 10, 2001

Financial Standard Bottling Company, a leading manufacturer of flavored soft drinks, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware. The company cited financial difficulties and declining sales as the reason for the filing.

  1. "Krest Bottling Co. Seeks to Sell Assets" - The Wall Street Journal, October 12, 2001

Krest Bottling Co. is seeking to sell its assets to pay off creditors as part of its bankruptcy reorganization plan. The company's assets include its bottling facilities, trademarks, and inventory.

  1. "Krest Bottling Co. to Close Plants" - Beverage World, October 25, 2001

Krest Bottling Co. announced plans to close several of its bottling plants in the United States and Canada as part of its restructuring efforts. The company cited declining sales and increased competition as the reason for the closures.

  1. "Krest Bottling Co. Emerges from Bankruptcy" - PR Newswire, October 31, 2001

Financial Standard Bottling Company, doing business as Krest, emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection after completing its restructuring plan. The company said it had reduced its debt by more than 75% and had secured new financing to support its operations.

These articles provide a snapshot of the news surrounding Financial Standard Bottling Company (Krest) in October 2001, including its bankruptcy filing, efforts to sell assets, plant closures, and emergence from bankruptcy.