Filipino farm workers in new zealand

Filipino farm workers have a significant presence in New Zealand's agricultural industry. Here are some key facts and statistics:

  1. Number of Filipino farm workers: According to the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), there are approximately 12,000 to 15,000 Filipino farm workers in New Zealand.
  2. History of migration: Filipino farm workers have been migrating to New Zealand since the 1980s, initially as temporary workers under the New Zealand government's Recognized Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme.
  3. RSE scheme: The RSE scheme allows New Zealand employers to hire temporary workers from approved countries, including the Philippines, to fill labor gaps in the agricultural sector. Filipino workers are among the largest groups of RSE workers in New Zealand.
  4. Agricultural sectors: Filipino farm workers are employed in various agricultural sectors, including:
    • Horticulture (e.g., kiwifruit, avocado, and berry farms)
    • Viticulture (e.g., grape growing and wine production)
    • Dairy farming
    • Sheep and beef farming
    • Forestry
  5. Working conditions: Filipino farm workers in New Zealand generally work long hours, often in physically demanding conditions. They may also face challenges related to language barriers, cultural differences, and limited access to social services.
  6. Remittances: Filipino farm workers in New Zealand send significant remittances back to their families in the Philippines, contributing to the country's economy.
  7. Challenges and concerns: Filipino farm workers in New Zealand have faced various challenges, including:
    • Limited access to healthcare and social services
    • Language barriers and cultural differences
    • Long working hours and physical demands
    • Limited job security and protection
    • Difficulty in obtaining permanent residency
  8. Advocacy and support: Various organizations, including the Philippine Embassy in New Zealand, the Filipino Community in New Zealand, and non-governmental organizations, provide support and advocacy for Filipino farm workers in New Zealand.
  9. Government initiatives: The New Zealand government has implemented initiatives to improve the working conditions and well-being of foreign workers, including Filipino farm workers. These initiatives include:
    • Improving access to healthcare and social services
    • Enhancing language training and cultural orientation programs
    • Increasing job security and protection
    • Providing support for workers' rights and advocacy

Overall, Filipino farm workers play a significant role in New Zealand's agricultural industry, and their contributions are essential to the country's economy. However, they also face various challenges and concerns that require attention and support from both governments and civil society organizations.