Fifa new rules on penalty

FIFA has introduced several changes to the rules regarding penalties in football, effective from the 2020-21 season. Here are some of the key changes:

  1. Retake of penalty kick if goalkeeper moves off the goal line: If the goalkeeper moves off the goal line before the penalty kick is taken, the referee can order a retake of the penalty kick.
  2. Goalkeeper cannot leave the goal line until the ball is kicked: The goalkeeper is no longer allowed to leave the goal line until the ball is kicked. If they do, the referee can award a retake of the penalty kick.
  3. Penalty kick taker can be cautioned or sent off for unsportsmanlike behavior: The penalty kick taker can now be cautioned or sent off for unsportsmanlike behavior, such as delaying the kick or attempting to distract the goalkeeper.
  4. Goalkeeper can be cautioned or sent off for unsportsmanlike behavior: The goalkeeper can also be cautioned or sent off for unsportsmanlike behavior, such as deliberately delaying the game or attempting to distract the penalty kick taker.
  5. Penalty kick taker can be substituted: The penalty kick taker can now be substituted before taking the penalty kick, as long as the substitution is made before the kick is taken.
  6. Goalkeeper can be substituted: The goalkeeper can also be substituted before the penalty kick is taken, as long as the substitution is made before the kick is taken.
  7. Penalty kick taker can request a delay: The penalty kick taker can now request a delay in taking the penalty kick, such as to adjust their equipment or to receive medical attention.
  8. Goalkeeper can request a delay: The goalkeeper can also request a delay in taking the penalty kick, such as to adjust their equipment or to receive medical attention.

These changes are aimed at improving the fairness and integrity of the game, and to reduce the number of disputes and controversies surrounding penalty kicks.