Fida faults ayade cross rivers assembly on justice ikpeme

It appears you're referring to a news article or statement made by Fida (Federation of International Women Lawyers) regarding the Cross River State House of Assembly and Justice Akon Ikpeme.

For those who may not be aware, Justice Akon Ikpeme was a judge who was nominated to become the Chief Judge of Cross River State, but her appointment was rejected by the state's House of Assembly. The rejection was met with widespread criticism and controversy, with many arguing that it was a violation of the principles of separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary.

Fida, in its statement, is likely criticizing the Cross River State House of Assembly for its actions regarding Justice Ikpeme's appointment. The organization may be arguing that the rejection of her appointment was unjust and a threat to the independence of the judiciary.

Here's a possible summary of the statement:

"Fida faults Cross River Assembly on Justice Ikpeme's appointment

The Federation of International Women Lawyers (Fida) has condemned the rejection of Justice Akon Ikpeme's appointment as Chief Judge of Cross River State by the state's House of Assembly. Fida argues that the rejection is a threat to the independence of the judiciary and a violation of the principles of separation of powers. The organization calls on the Assembly to reconsider its decision and respect the rule of law."

Please note that this is just a possible summary, and the actual statement made by Fida may have been different.