Fg yet constitute committee new minimum wage nlc

A very specific and timely topic!

The Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) has been advocating for a new minimum wage for Nigerian workers. In 2019, the NLC and the Federal Government agreed on a new minimum wage of N30,000 (approximately $80 USD) per month, which was signed into law by President Muhammadu Buhari in April 2019.

However, the NLC has been pushing for a review of the minimum wage to reflect the current economic realities in the country. In October 2020, the NLC announced that it would be constituting a new committee to review the minimum wage.

The committee, which is expected to be inaugurated soon, will be responsible for reviewing the current minimum wage and making recommendations for a new minimum wage that takes into account the current economic situation in the country.

The committee is expected to consider factors such as the cost of living, inflation, and the ability of employers to pay a higher minimum wage. The NLC has also called for the inclusion of other stakeholders, such as the Federal Government, state governments, and the private sector, in the committee to ensure a comprehensive review of the minimum wage.

The outcome of the committee's review is expected to have a significant impact on the lives of millions of Nigerian workers, who are currently struggling to make ends meet due to the high cost of living and low wages.