Fg writes serap demands list of ex governors ministers collecting double pay life pensions

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a report that was published by a media outlet. The article appears to be discussing a list of former governors and ministers in Nigeria who are allegedly collecting double pay and life pensions.

The article, which was written by FG (presumably a journalist or a reporter), highlights the demands of SERAP (Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project), a non-governmental organization that is advocating for transparency and accountability in government.

According to the article, SERAP is demanding that the Nigerian government provide a list of all former governors and ministers who are collecting double pay and life pensions. The organization is also calling for an investigation into the matter and for those found to be guilty to be prosecuted.

The article does not provide specific names of the individuals who are allegedly collecting double pay and life pensions, but it does mention that the practice is widespread and has been going on for many years.

It's worth noting that the Nigerian government has been criticized in the past for its handling of public funds, and there have been several reports of corruption and mismanagement of resources. The demand for transparency and accountability is an important step towards addressing these issues and ensuring that public funds are used for the benefit of the people.