Fg will continue to engage collaborate with private sector ― osinbajo

It seems like you're sharing a quote from Vice President Yemi Osinbajo of Nigeria. Here's a breakdown of what he said:

"FG will continue to engage and collaborate with the private sector"

In this quote, "FG" likely stands for "Federal Government", which refers to the government of Nigeria at the federal level. The Vice President is stating that the government will continue to work closely with the private sector, which includes businesses and organizations that operate outside of government control.

The private sector is a crucial part of any economy, as it drives innovation, creates jobs, and stimulates economic growth. By collaborating with the private sector, the government can leverage the sector's expertise, resources, and capabilities to achieve its development goals.

In the context of Nigeria, this collaboration could involve initiatives such as public-private partnerships, investments in infrastructure, and support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). By working together, the government and private sector can create a more conducive business environment, attract foreign investment, and drive economic growth and development in the country.