Fg want dialogue niger delta avengers others

Here is a sample dialogue between the Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) and other groups:

Setting: A secret meeting in a hidden location in the Niger Delta region.



Mujahid Dokubo-Asari: "Brothers, we gather here today to discuss the future of our struggle. The Niger Delta Avengers have been making waves with their attacks on oil installations. What is their strategy?"

Jomo Gbomo: "We are fighting for the rights of our people. The Nigerian government has neglected us for too long. We demand a fair share of the oil revenue and an end to environmental degradation."

Ateke Tom: "I agree with Jomo. But we must also be careful not to harm innocent civilians. We need to target the oil companies and the government, not the people."

Government Representative: "We understand your concerns, but we cannot condone violence. We are willing to negotiate and work with you to find a peaceful solution."

Mujahid Dokubo-Asari: "Negotiate? You want to negotiate with us? You have been negotiating with us for years, and what have you achieved? Nothing. We need action, not words."

Jomo Gbomo: "We are not interested in empty promises. We want concrete actions. We want the oil companies to leave our region, and we want the government to provide us with the resources we need to develop our communities."

Ateke Tom: "And we want an end to the military occupation of our region. We want our people to be able to live in peace, without fear of being killed or arrested by the military."

Government Representative: "I understand your concerns, but we cannot simply leave the oil companies. They are a vital part of our economy. And as for the military, we are here to protect the people, not to harm them."

Mujahid Dokubo-Asari: "Protect the people? You are protecting the oil companies, not the people. You are protecting your own interests, not the interests of the Niger Delta people."

Jomo Gbomo: "We will not be silenced. We will not be ignored. We will continue to fight for our rights, no matter what it takes."

Ateke Tom: "We are united in our struggle. We will not be divided by the government or by the oil companies. We will stand together and fight for our future."

Government Representative: "I understand your determination, but I urge you to consider the consequences of your actions. Violence will only lead to more suffering and more bloodshed."

Mujahid Dokubo-Asari: "We are willing to take that risk. We are willing to fight for our freedom and our future. We will not be silenced."

End of dialogue

Note: This is a fictional dialogue and does not reflect the actual views or positions of the Niger Delta Avengers or other groups.