Fg urges schools to comply with reduced neco fees

I apologize, but it seems like there is a missing context or information in your request. Could you please provide more details or clarify what "fg" refers to and what "reduced Neco fees" are? Additionally, what is the purpose of the schools being urged to comply with these reduced fees?

Assuming that "fg" refers to a government agency or a regulatory body, and "Neco fees" refer to the fees charged by the National Examinations Council of Nigeria (NECO) for its exams, I can try to provide a possible response.

If the government agency is urging schools to comply with reduced NECO fees, it may be because the agency has implemented a policy to reduce the fees to make education more accessible and affordable for students. The agency may be encouraging schools to pass on the reduced fees to students, or to absorb the cost themselves.

In this case, the schools may be urged to comply with the reduced fees to ensure that students are not burdened with excessive costs and to promote equity and fairness in education. The agency may also be monitoring the compliance of schools to ensure that they are adhering to the reduced fees and not exploiting students.

Please provide more context or clarify the specific details, and I'll be happy to help you with your request.