Fg urged include private varsities tetfund #comments

It seems like you're asking about the inclusion of private universities in the TETFund (Tertiary Education Trust Fund) in Nigeria. Here's a breakdown of the issue:

Background: TETFund is a government agency established in 1993 to provide funding for public universities in Nigeria. The fund is sourced from a 2% education tax on all federal government's revenue.

The issue: Private universities in Nigeria have been pushing for inclusion in the TETFund, arguing that they also need funding to improve their infrastructure and academic programs. However, the government has been hesitant to include them, citing concerns about the sustainability of the fund and the potential for abuse.

Recent developments: In 2020, the Federal Government announced plans to include private universities in the TETFund, but the move was met with resistance from some stakeholders, including the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU).

Arguments for inclusion: Proponents of including private universities in the TETFund argue that:

  1. Equity: Private universities also provide education to Nigerian students and contribute to the country's human capital development.
  2. Competition: Including private universities in the TETFund could promote competition and improve the overall quality of education in Nigeria.
  3. Funding: Private universities could benefit from the funding to improve their infrastructure, which would ultimately benefit the students and the country.

Arguments against inclusion: Opponents of including private universities in the TETFund argue that:

  1. Sustainability: The TETFund is already struggling to meet the funding needs of public universities, and including private universities could further strain the fund.
  2. Abuse: Private universities might not use the funds efficiently or effectively, leading to waste and mismanagement.
  3. Prioritization: The government should prioritize funding public universities, which are already struggling to provide quality education to Nigerian students.

Conclusion: The inclusion of private universities in the TETFund is a contentious issue in Nigeria. While there are valid arguments on both sides, it's essential to consider the long-term benefits and challenges of including private universities in the fund. Ultimately, the decision will depend on the government's priorities and the ability to ensure the fund's sustainability and effective management.