Fg urged include private varsities tetfund #

It seems like you're asking about the inclusion of private universities in the TETFund (Tertiary Education Trust Fund) in Nigeria.

The TETFund is a federal government agency established in 1993 to provide funding for public universities in Nigeria. The fund is sourced from a 2% education tax on all companies and organizations in Nigeria.

In recent years, there have been calls for private universities to be included in the TETFund. Some argue that private universities also play a crucial role in the country's education sector and should be eligible for funding.

However, there are also concerns about the potential implications of including private universities in the TETFund. For example, some argue that it could lead to unfair competition between public and private universities, and that private universities may not be subject to the same level of accountability and transparency as public universities.

In 2020, the Nigerian Senate passed a bill to include private universities in the TETFund, but the bill is still pending presidential assent.

What are your thoughts on this issue? Should private universities be included in the TETFund, or should the fund remain focused on public universities?