Fg urged include private varsities tetfund

It seems like you're asking about the inclusion of private universities in the TETFUND (Tertiary Education Trust Fund) in Nigeria.

TETFUND is a federal government agency established in 2001 to provide funding for public universities in Nigeria. The fund is sourced from a 2% deduction from the annual budget of the federal government.

However, private universities in Nigeria are not eligible to receive funding from TETFUND. This is because TETFUND's mandate is specifically focused on supporting public universities, which are considered to be the backbone of the country's education system.

Private universities, on the other hand, are considered to be private institutions that are not funded by the government. While they may receive funding from other sources, such as tuition fees, donations, and grants, they are not eligible for funding from TETFUND.

There have been calls from some quarters for private universities to be included in the TETFUND scheme, arguing that they also play a crucial role in the country's education system and should be supported. However, the government has not yet considered this proposal.

It's worth noting that some private universities in Nigeria have established their own endowments and fundraising initiatives to support their operations and development. These initiatives are designed to attract private sector funding and support from alumni, donors, and other stakeholders.

In summary, while there may be arguments for including private universities in the TETFUND scheme, the current mandate of the fund is focused on supporting public universities in Nigeria.