Fg recovers n594 09bn through whistle blowing

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a press release about the Federal Government (FG) recovering a significant amount of money through whistle blowing.

According to the article, the FG has recovered a whopping N594 billion (approximately $1.6 billion USD) through the whistle blowing policy. This is a remarkable achievement, and it's great to see that the government is taking concrete steps to combat corruption and recover stolen funds.

Whistle blowing is a powerful tool in the fight against corruption, as it allows individuals to report suspected cases of corruption or fraud anonymously. This can help to bring corrupt individuals to justice and recover stolen funds, which can then be used to benefit the public.

It's worth noting that the FG has been actively promoting the whistle blowing policy, and has established a dedicated platform for reporting suspected cases of corruption. This has helped to encourage more people to come forward and report suspected cases of corruption, which has led to the recovery of significant amounts of money.

Overall, the recovery of N594 billion through whistle blowing is a significant achievement, and it's a testament to the government's commitment to combating corruption and promoting transparency and accountability.