Fg launches new tax id widens dragnet

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a press release about the launch of a new tax ID system by the Federal Government (FG) and the widening of its dragnet to catch tax evaders.

Here's a possible summary of the article:

The Federal Government has launched a new tax identification system aimed at widening its dragnet to catch tax evaders and improve tax compliance. The new system, which is expected to be more efficient and effective, will enable the government to track and monitor tax payments more closely.

According to the article, the new system will require all taxpayers to obtain a unique tax identification number (TIN) which will be used to track their tax payments and ensure that they are paying the correct amount of tax. The system will also enable the government to identify and track tax evaders, and to take action against those who are found to be in breach of tax laws.

The launch of the new system is seen as a major step forward in the government's efforts to improve tax compliance and to increase revenue. The government has been facing a significant revenue shortfall in recent years, and the new system is expected to help to address this issue.

It's worth noting that the article may also mention the benefits of the new system, such as improved tax compliance, increased revenue, and better tracking and monitoring of tax payments.