Festus keyamo news

Festus Keyamo is a Nigerian lawyer, politician, and former Director of Strategic Communications of the All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential campaign in 2019. Here are some recent news updates about him:

  1. Keyamo's appointment as Minister of State for Labour and Employment: In August 2019, President Muhammadu Buhari appointed Keyamo as the Minister of State for Labour and Employment. He was sworn in on August 21, 2019.
  2. Keyamo's stance on minimum wage: In October 2019, Keyamo sparked controversy when he said that the federal government could not afford to pay the new minimum wage of N30,000 per month. He argued that the government was already struggling to pay salaries and that the new wage would put a strain on the economy.
  3. Keyamo's criticism of the National Assembly: In November 2019, Keyamo criticized the National Assembly for its handling of the 2020 budget. He accused the lawmakers of being corrupt and of not doing enough to improve the lives of Nigerians.
  4. Keyamo's support for Buhari's re-election: In December 2019, Keyamo announced his support for President Buhari's re-election bid in the 2023 presidential election. He said that Buhari had done a lot for the country and that he deserved another term in office.
  5. Keyamo's call for the prosecution of corrupt politicians: In January 2020, Keyamo called for the prosecution of corrupt politicians who had looted the country's treasury. He said that the government should not spare anyone who had stolen public funds, regardless of their political affiliation.
  6. Keyamo's criticism of the Nigerian Police Force: In February 2020, Keyamo criticized the Nigerian Police Force for its handling of protests and demonstrations. He said that the police had become too brutal and that they needed to be reformed.
  7. Keyamo's support for the EndSARS protests: In October 2020, Keyamo supported the EndSARS protests, which were calling for an end to police brutality and bad governance. He said that the protests were a manifestation of the frustration and anger of Nigerians with the government.
  8. Keyamo's call for the prosecution of looters: In November 2020, Keyamo called for the prosecution of looters who had stolen public funds during the COVID-19 pandemic. He said that the government should not spare anyone who had stolen from the public purse.

These are just a few of the recent news updates about Festus Keyamo. As a prominent figure in Nigerian politics, he is often in the news and is known for his strong opinions and advocacy on various issues.