Fernandes doesnt accept low standards red devils no longer look vulnerable says meulensteen

It seems like you're sharing a quote from Rene Meulensteen, a former Manchester United assistant manager, about Bruno Fernandes and the team's current performance.

According to Meulensteen, Fernandes is a player who doesn't accept low standards and has helped the Red Devils to no longer look vulnerable. This suggests that Fernandes has brought a high level of professionalism and competitiveness to the team, which has contributed to their improved performance.

It's interesting to note that Meulensteen has a deep understanding of the Manchester United team, having worked with them during a successful period in the club's history. His opinion carries weight, and it's likely that his comments about Fernandes will be seen as a positive endorsement of the player's abilities.

Do you have any other questions about this quote or Manchester United's current season?