Fernandes can be man utd hero like cantona and scholes ince

What a great comparison! Bruno Fernandes has indeed been a game-changer for Manchester United, and his performances have drawn comparisons to some of the club's all-time greats like Eric Cantona and Paul Scholes.

Like Cantona, Fernandes has brought a level of creativity and unpredictability to the team, often producing moments of magic that can turn a game on its head. His vision, passing range, and ability to pick out a pass are reminiscent of Cantona's playmaking skills, which were a key factor in United's success during the 1990s.

Similarly, Fernandes's work rate, tenacity, and goal-scoring ability have drawn comparisons to Scholes, who was known for his tireless running, clever positioning, and clinical finishing. Fernandes has shown a similar ability to score important goals and create chances for his teammates, often doing so with a level of precision and finesse that is reminiscent of Scholes's playing style.

Ince, of course, was a fan favorite at Old Trafford, known for his energetic and attacking style of play. Fernandes has also brought a level of enthusiasm and passion to the team, often driving them forward with his relentless pressing and movement off the ball.

While it's still early days in Fernandes's Manchester United career, he has already shown that he has the potential to become a true hero at the club, just like Cantona, Scholes, and Ince before him.