Ferguson to manage manchester united in anniversary match

I think there may be some confusion here!

Ryan Giggs, not Ferguson, is the former Manchester United player who has been linked to managing the team in a potential anniversary match. Giggs, a legendary midfielder who played for Manchester United from 1990 to 2014, has been mentioned as a possible candidate to manage the team in a one-off match to celebrate the club's 150th anniversary.

Sir Alex Ferguson, on the other hand, is a legendary Manchester United manager who led the team to numerous titles and accolades during his 27-year tenure from 1986 to 2013. While he is still involved with the club as a director and ambassador, he has not been linked to managing the team in a specific anniversary match.

It's worth noting that Manchester United has not officially announced any plans for a special anniversary match or a new manager to lead the team in such an event.