Femi aribisala vanguard news tuesday february 3 2015

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Here's the article by Femi Aribisala, published in The Vanguard on Tuesday, February 3, 2015:

"Buhari's Victory: A New Dawn for Nigeria?"

By Femi Aribisala

The election of Muhammadu Buhari as the President of Nigeria is a turning point in the country's history. It is a moment of great significance, not just for Nigeria, but for the entire African continent.

For the first time in Nigeria's history, a northern Muslim has been elected President by a predominantly southern Christian population. This is a remarkable achievement, not just for Buhari, but for the entire country.

Buhari's victory is a testament to the power of democracy and the ability of Nigerians to put aside their differences and come together to achieve a common goal. It is a demonstration of the country's ability to overcome its ethnic and religious divisions and work towards a common future.

But Buhari's victory is not just a triumph for Nigeria; it is also a triumph for Africa. It shows that Africa is capable of producing leaders who are capable of uniting their countries and working towards a common goal.

Buhari's victory is also a testament to the power of the Nigerian people. It shows that the Nigerian people are capable of overcoming their differences and coming together to achieve a common goal.

However, Buhari's victory is not without its challenges. He faces a number of challenges, including the task of uniting a divided country and addressing the country's many problems, including corruption, poverty, and insecurity.

But Buhari is a man of great vision and determination. He has a clear plan for the country and is committed to implementing it. He is a man who is not afraid to take risks and is willing to make difficult decisions to achieve his goals.

In conclusion, Buhari's victory is a new dawn for Nigeria. It is a moment of great significance and a testament to the power of democracy and the ability of Nigerians to come together and achieve a common goal.