Female native names in new zealand

In New Zealand, there are many beautiful and meaningful native names that are specific to the Māori culture. Here are some examples of female native names in New Zealand:

  1. Aroha (Ah-roh-hah) - means "love" or "compassion"
  2. Hinemoa (Hee-neh-moh-ah) - means "moon" or "moonlight"
  3. Kahurangi (Kah-hoo-rah-nee) - means "treasure" or "precious"
  4. Kiri (Kee-ree) - means "sky" or "heaven"
  5. Maia (My-ah) - means "strong" or "powerful"
  6. Manawa (Mah-nah-wah) - means "heart" or "spirit"
  7. Naida (Nah-ee-dah) - means "sea" or "ocean"
  8. Ngahuia (Ngah-hoo-ee-ah) - means "dawn" or "morning"
  9. Pania (Pah-nee-ah) - means "shell" or "seashell"
  10. Rangimarie (Rahng-ee-mah-ree) - means "peace" or "serenity"
  11. Raukawa (Rah-oo-kah-wah) - means "cloud" or "mist"
  12. Tāne (Tah-neh) - means "daughter of the sun"
  13. Tāwhirimātea (Tah-fee-rah-mah-tay-ah) - means "stormy weather"
  14. Te Aroha (Tay Ah-roh-hah) - means "love" or "compassion"
  15. Te Hine (Tay Hee-neh) - means "the girl" or "the maiden"
  16. Te Kiri (Tay Kee-ree) - means "the sky" or "the heavens"
  17. Te Manawa (Tay Mah-nah-wah) - means "the heart" or "the spirit"
  18. Te Ngākau (Tay Ngah-koh-oo) - means "the heart" or "the spirit"
  19. Te Rangimārie (Tay Rahng-ee-mah-ree) - means "the peace" or "the serenity"
  20. Whetu (Fay-too) - means "star"

These are just a few examples of the many beautiful and meaningful native names in New Zealand.