Felda aim to do more than just survive and play cautiously

Felda, the aggressive and ambitious character!

In that case, here are some tips to help Felda aim to do more than just survive and play cautiously:

  1. Take calculated risks: Felda should assess the situation and take calculated risks to gain an advantage. This might mean pushing forward to take out an enemy or trying to flank an opponent.
  2. Use terrain to your advantage: Felda should use the environment to their advantage. This could mean using cover to stay safe, or using the terrain to set up ambushes or traps for enemies.
  3. Focus on taking out high-priority targets: Felda should identify the most important enemies to take out, such as the enemy leader or a powerful boss, and focus on taking them out first.
  4. Use abilities and skills to gain an edge: Felda should use their abilities and skills to gain an advantage over their enemies. This could mean using a powerful attack, or using a skill to heal or buff themselves.
  5. Stay mobile and adaptable: Felda should stay mobile and be prepared to adapt to changing circumstances. This could mean moving quickly to avoid danger, or changing their strategy if things aren't going as planned.
  6. Use stealth and deception: Felda should use stealth and deception to their advantage. This could mean sneaking up on enemies, or using disguises or decoys to confuse or distract them.
  7. Focus on building momentum: Felda should focus on building momentum and taking out enemies quickly and efficiently. This could mean using a combination of attacks and abilities to take out multiple enemies at once.
  8. Use the environment to set up ambushes: Felda should use the environment to set up ambushes for enemies. This could mean hiding in a corner, or using a trap or a hidden passage to surprise enemies.
  9. Stay aware of your surroundings: Felda should stay aware of their surroundings and be prepared for unexpected dangers. This could mean keeping an eye out for hidden enemies, or being prepared to dodge attacks.
  10. Practice and improve: Felda should practice and improve their skills and abilities to become a more effective and deadly opponent.

By following these tips, Felda should be able to aim to do more than just survive and play cautiously, and become a formidable opponent in their own right!