Fela durotoye race for a new nigeria

A great topic!

"Fela Durotoye: Running for a New Nigeria" is a book written by Fela Durotoye, a Nigerian motivational speaker, leadership expert, and author. The book is a call to action for Nigerians to work together to build a better future for the country.

In the book, Durotoye argues that Nigeria is at a crossroads and that the current state of the country is unsustainable. He believes that the country needs a new vision, a new leadership, and a new way of doing things in order to move forward.

Durotoye proposes a vision for a new Nigeria, which he calls "The New Nigeria". This vision is based on five core values: unity, integrity, excellence, creativity, and compassion. He argues that these values are essential for building a strong and prosperous nation.

The book is not just a critique of the current state of Nigeria, but also a call to action for individuals to take responsibility for building a better future. Durotoye believes that every Nigerian has a role to play in shaping the country's future and that together, they can create a brighter future for themselves and for generations to come.

Some of the key themes in the book include:

  1. The need for a new vision for Nigeria: Durotoye argues that the current vision for Nigeria is outdated and that a new vision is needed to guide the country's development.
  2. The importance of leadership: Durotoye believes that leadership is key to building a better Nigeria and that Nigerians need to demand better leadership from their leaders.
  3. The need for unity: Durotoye argues that Nigeria's diversity is a strength, but that the country needs to work together to build a more united and cohesive society.
  4. The importance of personal responsibility: Durotoye believes that individuals have a responsibility to take action to build a better Nigeria and that they cannot wait for others to do it for them.

Overall, "Fela Durotoye: Running for a New Nigeria" is a thought-provoking book that challenges Nigerians to think differently about their country and their role in shaping its future.