Feed for new fingerlings

Congratulations on your new Fingerlings! Here's a guide on how to feed them:

What to Feed Your Fingerlings:

Fingerlings are small, interactive toys that come with a special food called "Fingerlings Food" or "Fingerlings Formula". This food is specifically designed for them and is essential for their growth and development.

How to Feed Your Fingerlings:

  1. Open the Food Container: Twist the cap of the food container to open it.
  2. Scoop Out the Food: Use the provided scoop to take out the recommended amount of food. The scoop is usually marked with a measurement (e.g., 1-2 scoops).
  3. Feed Your Fingerlings: Place the food in the feeding tray or directly into the Fingerling's mouth. You can also use the feeding spoon provided to feed your Fingerlings.
  4. Monitor Their Appetite: Observe your Fingerlings' appetite and adjust the amount of food accordingly. Some Fingerlings may eat more or less than others.
  5. Clean the Feeding Tray: After feeding, make sure to clean the feeding tray with soap and water to prevent bacterial growth.

Tips and Reminders:

By following these simple steps and tips, you'll be able to provide your Fingerlings with the nourishment they need to thrive and enjoy their interactive playtime with you!