Federal task force of nigeria latest news

Here are some of the latest news and updates on the Federal Task Force (FTF) of Nigeria:

Recent Operations

  1. Operation Puff Adder: The FTF, in collaboration with other security agencies, launched Operation Puff Adder in June 2020 to tackle banditry, kidnapping, and other criminal activities in the North-West region. The operation has led to the arrest of several suspects and the recovery of arms and ammunition.
  2. Operation Accord: In July 2020, the FTF launched Operation Accord to tackle smuggling and other economic crimes in the North-East region. The operation has led to the seizure of large quantities of contraband goods and the arrest of several suspects.

Recent Arrests and Confiscations

  1. Arrest of 15 Suspects: In August 2020, the FTF arrested 15 suspects in connection with a kidnapping incident in Kaduna State. The suspects were allegedly involved in the kidnapping of a businessman and his wife.
  2. Seizure of 1,000 Bags of Rice: In September 2020, the FTF seized 1,000 bags of rice smuggled into the country from neighboring Benin Republic. The seizure was made at the Seme Border in Lagos State.
  3. Arrest of 20 Suspects: In October 2020, the FTF arrested 20 suspects in connection with a robbery incident in Abuja. The suspects were allegedly involved in the robbery of a bank in the city.

Recent Deaths

  1. Death of FTF Commander: In August 2020, the Commander of the FTF, Victor Ebhaleme, was killed in a shootout with suspected bandits in Kaduna State. Ebhaleme was a veteran of the Nigerian military and had been leading the FTF in the North-West region.
  2. Death of 2 FTF Operatives: In September 2020, two FTF operatives were killed in a shootout with suspected kidnappers in Zamfara State. The operatives were part of a team that was sent to rescue a kidnapped victim.

Recent Awards and Recognition

  1. Award for Outstanding Service: In August 2020, the FTF was awarded for outstanding service in the fight against crime and terrorism by the Nigerian Police Force.
  2. Recognition by the International Community: In September 2020, the FTF was recognized by the international community for its efforts in combating transnational crimes such as human trafficking and drug trafficking.

These are some of the latest news and updates on the Federal Task Force of Nigeria. The FTF continues to play a crucial role in maintaining law and order in the country and combating various forms of crime and terrorism.