Federal road safety corps report new law on riding

You're referring to the new law on riding motorcycles in Nigeria, as reported by the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC). Here's a summary of the new law:

New Law on Riding Motorcycles in Nigeria

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has introduced a new law aimed at reducing the high rate of accidents and fatalities involving motorcycles in Nigeria. The law, which came into effect on January 1, 2022, is designed to promote road safety and reduce the risk of accidents involving motorcyclists.

Key Provisions of the New Law

  1. Compulsory Use of Helmets: All motorcyclists are required to wear helmets that meet international safety standards. The law also requires pillion riders to wear helmets.
  2. Compulsory Use of Reflective Jackets: Motorcyclists are required to wear reflective jackets to increase their visibility on the road.
  3. Compulsory Use of Headlights: Motorcycles must be equipped with functioning headlights, which must be used at all times.
  4. Speed Limit: Motorcyclists are prohibited from exceeding a speed limit of 60 km/h (37 mph) in urban areas and 80 km/h (50 mph) in rural areas.
  5. Compulsory Use of Number Plates: Motorcycles must be registered and have valid number plates.
  6. Compulsory Use of Insurance: Motorcycles must be insured against third-party risks.
  7. Compulsory Use of Seat Belts: Pillion riders must wear seat belts.
  8. Compulsory Use of Rearview Mirrors: Motorcycles must be equipped with rearview mirrors.
  9. Compulsory Use of Horns: Motorcycles must be equipped with horns that produce a distinct sound.
  10. Penalties for Non-Compliance: Motorcyclists who fail to comply with the new law will face penalties, including fines and imprisonment.

Benefits of the New Law

The new law is expected to reduce the high rate of accidents and fatalities involving motorcycles in Nigeria. The law aims to promote road safety, reduce the risk of accidents, and protect the lives of motorcyclists and other road users.

Public Education Campaign

The FRSC has launched a public education campaign to raise awareness about the new law and its benefits. The campaign aims to educate motorcyclists and other road users about the importance of road safety and the need to comply with the new law.

I hope this information is helpful!