Federal road safety commission latest news

Here are some of the latest news and updates from the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) in Nigeria:

Recent News

  1. FRSC Launches Operation "Show Your Badge": The FRSC has launched an operation aimed at reducing road crashes and fatalities by ensuring that all road users, including motorists, wear their seatbelts and helmets. (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. FRSC Records 1,000 Road Crashes in 2 Weeks: The FRSC has reported that it recorded over 1,000 road crashes in the past two weeks, resulting in the loss of over 100 lives. (Source: Daily Trust)
  3. FRSC Introduces New Vehicle Inspection Regime: The FRSC has introduced a new vehicle inspection regime aimed at ensuring that all vehicles on Nigerian roads are roadworthy and safe. (Source: The Nation)
  4. FRSC Warns Motorists Against Overloading: The FRSC has warned motorists against overloading their vehicles, saying it is a major cause of road crashes and fatalities. (Source: Leadership Newspaper)
  5. FRSC Launches "Operation Crackdown": The FRSC has launched an operation aimed at cracking down on traffic offenders, including those who fail to wear their seatbelts and helmets. (Source: Punch Newspaper)

Recent Updates

  1. FRSC Introduces New Uniform: The FRSC has introduced a new uniform for its personnel, which is designed to improve their visibility and professionalism on the roads. (Source: FRSC Official Website)
  2. FRSC Launches "Safe School" Initiative: The FRSC has launched an initiative aimed at promoting road safety among school children, including the provision of safety education and training. (Source: FRSC Official Website)
  3. FRSC Partners with NAPTIP to Combat Human Trafficking: The FRSC has partnered with the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) to combat human trafficking on Nigerian roads. (Source: FRSC Official Website)
  4. FRSC Launches "Operation Safe Journey": The FRSC has launched an operation aimed at ensuring a safe journey for all road users during the yuletide season. (Source: FRSC Official Website)
  5. FRSC Records 50% Reduction in Road Crashes: The FRSC has reported a 50% reduction in road crashes in the past year, thanks to its efforts to improve road safety in Nigeria. (Source: FRSC Official Website)

I hope this information is helpful!