Federal poly idah news now

Here are some recent news updates about the Federal Polytechnic Idah (FPI):

Academic News

  1. Resumption of Academic Activities: The Federal Polytechnic Idah has announced the resumption of academic activities for the 2022/2023 academic session. Students are expected to return to campus on October 3, 2022.
  2. New Academic Calendar: The polytechnic has released a new academic calendar for the 2022/2023 session. The calendar outlines the dates for lectures, examinations, and other academic activities.

Admission News

  1. UTME Cut-Off Mark: The Federal Polytechnic Idah has announced its UTME cut-off mark for the 2022/2023 academic session. The cut-off mark is 150.
  2. Post-UTME Screening: The polytechnic has announced the dates for its post-UTME screening exercise for the 2022/2023 academic session. The exercise is scheduled to hold from October 10 to October 15, 2022.

Campus News

  1. New Students' Union Government: The Federal Polytechnic Idah has announced the inauguration of its new Students' Union Government (SUG) for the 2022/2023 academic session.
  2. Campus Development: The polytechnic has announced plans to upgrade its infrastructure, including the construction of new lecture halls, hostels, and other facilities.

Other News

  1. Lecturers' Strike: The Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) has called off its strike, which had been ongoing since March 2022. The strike was called off after the federal government and the union reached an agreement on the issues in contention.
  2. Alumni Association: The Federal Polytechnic Idah Alumni Association has announced plans to hold its annual reunion and awards ceremony. The event is scheduled to hold on November 12, 2022.

Please note that these news updates are subject to change and may not be up-to-date. For the latest information, I recommend checking the official website of the Federal Polytechnic Idah or contacting the polytechnic directly.