Federal lawmakers sing discordant tunes on 2020 budget

It seems like you're referring to the 2020 budget debate in the United States Congress. Here's a summary:

The 2020 budget debate was a contentious one, with federal lawmakers from both parties singing discordant tunes. The main issue was the size and scope of the budget, with Democrats pushing for increased spending on social programs and infrastructure, while Republicans advocated for reduced spending and a balanced budget.

The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives passed a budget resolution in July 2019 that included a $1.1 trillion spending plan for the 2020 fiscal year. The plan increased funding for programs such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure, while also reducing the national debt.

However, the Republican-controlled Senate rejected the House plan, citing concerns about the growing national debt and the need for fiscal responsibility. The Senate instead passed a budget resolution that cut spending by $135 billion over the next decade and reduced the deficit by $1.5 trillion.

The disagreement between the two chambers led to a stalemate, with neither side willing to compromise. The impasse resulted in a series of short-term spending bills, known as continuing resolutions (CRs), to keep the government funded until a final budget agreement could be reached.

In August 2020, Congress passed a fourth CR, which funded the government through December 11, 2020. The CR included a provision to increase the debt limit, allowing the government to borrow more money to finance its operations.

The discordant tunes continued until December 2020, when Congress passed a $2.3 trillion spending package as part of the COVID-19 relief bill. The package included funding for government agencies, as well as stimulus checks and unemployment benefits for individuals affected by the pandemic.

In summary, the 2020 budget debate was marked by disagreement between federal lawmakers, with Democrats pushing for increased spending and Republicans advocating for reduced spending and a balanced budget. The impasse led to a series of short-term spending bills, and ultimately, a large spending package was passed as part of the COVID-19 relief bill.